Thursday, 6 December 2012


James Malum

Band Stand & Walkway
James is wearing a maroon jumper and scarf to suggest that he is a wealthy man. To begin with, it appears as though James is a regular man.

James' Home

James is wearing a white shirt, white usually suggests innocence but i used white because i wanted to subvert audience expectations. This also gives the impression that he is a smart, respectable man.

The Beach

James is wearing a tweed jacket to support the idea that he is a wealthy, respectable man. The dark shirt underneath was used to represent that he has a dark interior shrouded by the image of his wealth.


James is wearing a dark red jumper to suggest that his true intentions towards Mary are becoming clearer. It suggests that he is a dangerous character.

The Cliffs

James is wearing a smart coat to suggest that he is a wealthy man and to make a good impression towards Belle.


Band Stand & Walkway

Mary is wearing a red dress to suggest that she is in danger. The red is symbolic of her blood that will be spilt later in the film.

The Beach

Mary is wearing a white shirt to represent her innocence and a red scarf to symbolise that she is in danger. The brown coat is to suggest that she has dressed smartly to impress the wealthy James.


I wanted to suggest that Mary wasn't wearing any clothes here, that all she was wearing was the neckalce. This was to suggest that there was an element of lust in the relationship and that James wasn't what he appeared to be.


The Cliffs

Belle is wearing a red jumper to suggest that she is in danger and that she is James' next victim.

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