Thursday, 6 December 2012

Feminist Film Theory

Feminist Film Theory

Applying Feminist Film Theory to my film in the planning stages, opened a lot of opportunities for me to include in my filming. I made the female characters an object of desire for my protagonist and for the males in my audience. I was able to do this by using extreme close ups of the female anatomy, and dressing Mary in red, which not only suggests danger but desire. Lust doesn’t just mean in a sexual nature it is like a sexual need, James’ wants to eat his lovers, and by doing so also consumes them emotionally.

In Feminist film Theory, the woman is seen as a helpless creature and the man always holds sovereign power, this applies to my film and men can associate with the main character James because as well as objectifying the women they mirror themselves into James and see themselves as a powerful , dominant figure. This also allows the audience to feel like the male protagonist.

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